This is our most popular model and widely used by a lot of our clients. This model can be simply defined as a time and material work process. In other words, our clients engage us on a month-to-month basis and pay a monthly fee of development. You get a full time dedicated resource for the paid time and he works at your direction. This model works best for someone who wants to have an app developed but
doesn’t necessarily have all the specs clearly written out.-
With this model, you can come and talk with us and after analyzing your requirements in detail, we will help you write the specs and give your app a definite shape and roadmap. Following this we give you an estimate on how long it will take for us to develop the app, and how many resources should be assigned to the project. You would then engage us into developing your app and as mentioned earlier, your commitment towards payment would be just for the month you hired us to work for.
During this time you would have complete access to the resources and will get regular updates on the project. After the month is completed, you can re-evaluate your strategy and decide to continue with the original roadmap laid out during initiation or chose a different route for your project; either way, we will accommodate your requirements.
This model can be summarized with the flow diagram below.