Termed as ‘Magical’ & ‘Revolutionary’ product, Apple iPad is truly a new age, revolutionary tablet PC
released by Apple. The product provides great mobility and task handling capabilities and it makes the
experience of browsing the Web, emails, viewing multimedia, playing games, reading books in electronic
format (via a new app called iBooks) etc to the next level through its multi-touch screen. The product is
also equipped with a wide range of utility applications and is highly extensible. With close to 4 million
iPads sold so far, it truly is a game changing device in the mobile technology space.
We at Quartus Technology, with our years of experience in iPhone development and in-depth knowledge of iPhone SDK 3.2, are perfectly suited for iPad development. The wide screen iPad with its superior features, and unique position in the consumer goods category, is redefining interactivity, internet browsing and personal entertainment, as well as mainstream computing in general.
Our highly knowledgeable iPad developers are equipped to leverage the iPad-exclusive features like the 3-axis accelerometer and the pop-over interface elements and not just bank on the old school iPhonelike feature set. Our iPad developers are confident and capable of redefining the interactive and gaming experience on iPad with superior development and optimum utilization of the large screen and a faster processor.
Besides our knowledge and experience in iPad development, we bring to table our comprehensive understanding of the iPhone / iPad marketplace. Quartus Technology with its experienced and skilled development team along with the proprietary “App Store Optimization” technique can guide you right from the stage of conceptualization to creating a winning iPad application.